Eglantine Jebb, Social Reformer

17 December -- Commemoration
If celebrated as a Lesser Festival, Common of any Saint, page 527

Eglantine Jebb was born in 1876. After studying at Oxford, she became a teacher for a few years until ill-health led to her resignation. She then devoted her energies to charitable works and in 1913 went to Macedonia to help refugees in the Balkan wars. After the First World War, she and her sister Dorothy Buxton founded the Save the Children Fund, which aimed to help children who were suffering in the post-war famine in Europe, a charity which is now global in its scope. Eglantine fought for the rights of children to be recognised, the League of Nations passing her 'Children's Charter' in 1924. She inspired many by her personal spirituality and was greatly mourned on her death in Geneva on this day in 1928.